Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Under The Mountain

Monday, March 15th - Just ONE day after our engagement, we decided to go out & watch a movie. My grandma, being her over-protective self, asked us to invite his siblings along.

We didn't mind really. Although, I was really looking forward to our time alone. Owh well. Anyways, I decided to give in.

As in to watch Alice In Wonderland as much as I didn't want to. It's just not on my list & when it's not, I'd rather not watch it. Mainly because Johnny Depp looks EXTREMELY horrible & Anne Hathaway looks.. weird.

No offense! But
(yay for me of course) , in the end, we watched READ MY POST TITLE. At GSC, OU.

Guess who I saw when we were on our way to the cinema? Harith Najmuddin
(did I spell that right?) ! Haha! He didn't recognise me but I sure did. Lol. At first I was like "He looks so familiar" & it hit me.

Yana's (ex?)boyfriend. So I told Firdaus & yeah. Bought our tickets, ate, walk walk walk, watched the movie & guess what?

The moment
Under The Mountain ended, Iman saw me! Yes, I didn't see him because he was sitting (not directly i think) behind me. I was like "omg.. hi, Iman! :D" . Haha. First Harith, then Iman?

I mean, why was I seeing my friends' boyfriends on that particular day of ALL days? Entah la xP

Before I end this, the quote or whatever below the title of the movie
"Believe In The Power Of Two" made me think of Sophie & Josh since they're both twins & whatnot xD Because Theo & Rachel are twins (just watch the movie) .

Well, cya~

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